Mozilla gets into brand publishing with The Open Standard


Mozilla, the company behind the Firefox browser, has launched a brand new publishing platform covering technology in all aspects of our lives.

The Open Standard not only wants to look at consumer technology, but also big data, citizen’s rights and technology policy in government.

Categories includes Learn, Innovate, Engage, Opinion and Live - so a broad range of article types. In this way Mozilla want to position themselves as a primary resource for consumers.

“Our lives are infiltrated [by the Internet] at all levels; at work, at play, in school, when we go to the hospital,” said Anthony Duignan-Cabrera, The Open Standard’s editor in chief. “We want to explain both the pros and the cons of this.”

“We’re an advocacy news organization, advocating on behalf of the philosophies and ideas that helped establish Mozilla,” said Duignan-Cabrera. “We’re not “fair and balanced” — that’s such an awful phrase that’s used by newsrooms. We want to produce solid journalism which reflects how digital impacts everyone’s lives.”

As well as offering a journalistic output for the brand, Mozilla also have their eyes on revenue generation:

“We need to approach advertising in a way that’s in keeping with the values of the parent organization; with regards to privacy, security and data,” said Duignan-Cabrera. “The sponsored content works, and doesn’t have all the scraping issues that traditional [banner] ads have, but our ad strategy will evolve. Our focus right now is getting out of the gate, grabbing our audience, getting an understanding of who they are, seeing what stories work well that really promote the vision of the mother organization,” he added.

Via Digiday


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